Monday, May 14, 2012

Can You See the Light?

I woke up the other morning with the song "This Little Light of Mine" running through my head.  What a beautiful song!  I have such amazing memories of my oldest son singing this song when he was a toddler.  He loved the song!  I can still see him holding up his little finger as his "light" and just singing his heart out.  I hope that mental image never leaves me, and oh how I wish I had a recording of that sweet voice.  

As I was preparing breakfast that morning for the children and singing "This Little Light" in my head (the boys no longer like to hear me singing unless it is their nightly lullaby), I kept thinking of the significance of the words to the song.  We all have that little light, that inner light or beauty, that we hope the world can see.  And it struck me that the light is what matters, that inner "something" that others can see in us, that hopefully helps them to see God.  Maybe they see the light in our smile, or in our words.  Maybe they see the light in our actions or in how we care for others.     

There are so many ways to let our light shine in the world.  And our light does not depend on our outward appearance or anything we can purchase or consume.    

I view this material fast as an exercise to help me focus more on that light and less on the lamp shade!  And so far the fast is going very well.  Someone asked me the other day if I have cheated and I told her I did not think so.  I knew going into the fast that I would purchase home furnishings Jason and I had previously planned, such as a new dining room table, but as far as things for myself, I have bought only running shoes and one item that I justified for health purposes (my Garmin running watch/heart rate monitor).  I really have not felt like I am missing out on anything, and I do feel like I am growing and gaining.    

I'll leave you with these simple, yet profound lyrics:

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine.

This little light of mine,
I'm gonna let it shine, 
let it shine,
let it shine,
let it shine!

So, all you beautiful souls out there -- go let your lights shine.  You don't need new clothes or jewelry for that!

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